Yesterday I’ve changed the name of this blog. The reason is that I’d like to change the focus of this blog away from chemistry in LaTeX.
More precisely I want LaTeX in general to be the topic. That doesn’t mean I won’t be writing about chemistry in LaTeX any more – of course I still will. But there are so much more topics worth writing about! Certainly one main focus will be news about the development of my packages (one reason for not focussing on the chemistry part: I have a number of packages not related to chemistry at all!).
But I also plan to translate a series of articles about chemistry in LaTeX which I wrote in German on TeXwelt into English and publish them here.
I’ve also started an experiment not too long ago: I’d like to try support for my packages via a forum on this page. You’re very welcome to participate!
There are still more topics (the template story, …) I want to write about. So all in all the old name myChemistry didn’t seem to fit very well any more. I’ll keep the domain, though, so the old name will still be present connecting the new direction of the blog with its history.
Picture: © Michael Loeper/pixelio
Pretty exciting. I really like the new theme and colors. Keep up the awesome work!
Thanks 🙂