My leadsheets package is one of my newer packages. It seems to already have some fans – I get the occasional email asking for support and on github it has at the moment of writing 7 people who watch it and 5 stars. I wrote the first time about it on my German blog (neverthless in English).

Personally I use it a lot for writing leadsheets for my band.

What I like quite a lot about leadsheets is the possibility of designing title templates for the [cci_latex]song[/cci_latex] environment. This allows almost complete control about the layout. The next version (which will be on CTAN in a few days) also adds hooks to the [cci_latex]song[/cci_latex] environment for even more control. In this post I like to show how this can be used to mimick the layout of the songs package.

Let’s start with the needed packages:

No real surprise here – some colors, some table support, mdframed for adding frames around contents, and needspace.

Next let’s define a horizontal rule:


Now the real fun starts: a new title template:
\sffamily\huge\strut\thesongs &
First we define a new counter so we can have numbered songs. We only step this counter when leadsheets is not in its measuring phase:
[cce_latex] \ifsongmeasuring{}{\refstepcounter{songs}}[/cce_latex]
Then we put the song number in a table cell with a gray background and the title next to it:
[cce_latex] \noindent
\sffamily\huge\strut\thesongs &
Some vertical space
[cce_latex] \vspace*{.5\baselineskip}[/cce_latex]
and that’s it.

Next we define a new verse type template – this is where mdframed comes into play:
hidealllines = true ,
leftline = true ,
linewidth = \songrulewidth
{ \mdframed[style=songs] }
{ \endmdframed }[/cce_latex]

And last but not least the setup for using all the new stuff:
before-song = \needspace{5\baselineskip}\songrule ,
after-song = \songrule ,
title-template = songs ,
chorus/template = songs ,
verse/numbered = false ,
verse/format = \itshape

Now let’s see what this looks like in a [cci_latex]twocolumn[/cci_latex] document (lyrics taken from


One thought on “Customizing leadsheets

  1. Thanks for this package, it’s exactly what I’ve been looking for! I was thinking that I would have to create my own mediocre package, but while reading up on xsim (I’m an extensive exsheets user; thanks for that also), I discovered leadsheets.

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