Last edited: 2015/07/10

People have asked me how I create the manuals of my packages, one has even asked me if I would write a document class similar to classicthesis. I am not going to do this but can provide my basic preamble settings. It is not very complicated, actually.

Let’s take a look at it first — here for a PDFLaTeX document:
[cce lang=”latex”]\documentclass{scrartcl}

% fonts:
\useosf % lining figures in text after (!) math package has been loaded

% microtypography:

% headings:

% footnotes:
\deffootnote{2em}{1em}{\llap{\thefootnotemark. }}

% header/footer:

% floating environment captions:

% colors:
% color definitions:
% color settings:

% hyperlinks and related stuff:
colorlinks = true,
allcolors = link ,
plainpages = false,
bookmarksopen = true,
bookmarksopenlevel = 1,
bookmarksnumbered = true,
pdfauthor = {Clemens Niederberger},
pdftitle = {The Document Title},
pdfsubject = {the Document Subject},
pdfstartview = FitH

% sample document:




As you can see there is no magic in there. I’ll give a few comments on some of the packages used. I always use a KOMA-Script class. The first few packages are when I compile with PDFLaTeX:
[cce lang=”latex”]\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
With XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX I’d use
[cce lang=”latex”]\usepackage{fontspec}[/cce]

In most of my documents I use these fonts:
[cce lang=”latex”]% fonts:
\useosf % oldstyle figures in text, after (!) math package has been loaded[/cce]
This loads the Linux Libertine O font as serif and Linux Biolinum O as sans serif. I quite dislike the Libertine teletype font, though, which is why I use Bitstream Vera Sans Mono instead.

About the footnotes part I have written a blog post already:
[cce lang=”latex”]% footnotes:
\deffootnote{2em}{1em}{\llap{\thefootnotemark. }}[/cce]

There isn’t much more to say, really. A simple preamble that does not justify the creation of a new document class.

Here is how the example from above looks:


After having said that: when I create manuals for my packages I indeed do use a custom class. I used to use my cnpkgdoc class but it needed a complete overhaul for a long time. This means I now consider it obsolete. I have written a more versatile bundle that provides much more flexibility: and that I will upload to CTAN eventually: cnltx. I haven’t actually any published any manual using the class, yet. The next update of any of my packages will be the first. cnltx.

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