I wasn’t too serious when I posted “Is this going…” suggesting a package providing macros for creating galvanic and other electrochemical cells. Quite to my surprise I have gotten a lot of feedback and interest, though.
This made me thinking: if there is indeed interest for such a package what features should it provide? How flexible should the macros be? So I’d like to make this post a kind of feedback thread. If you think such a package would be useful to you please add a short comment if you’d use such a package and what feature you think it should provide.
Despite the fact that I don’t have to the time to realize such a package any time soon I already have a rough idea about some features:
- galvanic cells
- electrolytic cells
- customization of size and color of the cell
- customization of size, color and type of electrodes
- flexible labelling of the different parts (eletrodes, electrolytes, …)
- gas electrodes (?)
- …
The feedback here may decide if I’m going to write such a package (using TikZ, of course).
I think you have listed all the necessary things. 🙂 I couldn’t even come up with that much with I first saw the other post.
Actually I have forgotten: some things:
Good point. The first is especially good; I am not sure if I am going to use the second suggestion but it is always nice with lots of options. 🙂
Here’s something related from TeXample: Daniell’s pile 🙂