Sometimes things go fast. This weekend a question on popped about how to create Bohr models with LaTeX. Soon some very nice answers were given but I had a feeling that a more generic approach would be nice. I decided to answer the question myself. Since the code got a little longer I put it into a package for convenience but soon after thought it might also be useful for others. So, here it is.

[cce lang=”latex”]\documentclass{article}


\bohr{7}{F}% damn, that should have been N…



3 thoughts on “The »bohr« package

  1. Muhammed says:

    Hey, vielen Dank für das Paket! Das wird mir in meinen Vorträgen/Protokollen bestimmt hilfreich sein.

  2. David says:

    How would you suggest drawing H atom in an excited state? For example if I am teaching about line spectra it would be useful to be able to show the electron in the 2nd or 3rd shells.

    1. cgnieder says:

      Well, the »bohr« package is not much more than an exercise and answer to the question I linked. So as it stands I’d suggest drawing the excited state directly with TikZ.

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