This is a non-chemistry post. It (probably) won’t happen again…

Recently there was a question on TeX.SE on how to automatically adjust the kerning of footnote marks. I had an idea and gave a preliminary response. The questioner seemed to like it and proposed to make a package out of it.

Well, I was intrigued and indeed made the code into a customizable package compatible with many other footnote- and endnote-providing/changing/whatever packages. It’s called [cce inline=”true” lang=”latex”]fnpct[/cce] and is already available on CTAN. TeX Live users will have to wait until TL 2012 is released as the current TL 2011 is frozen. It should be in MiKTeX soon, though.

I actually quite like the result and am going to use it myself in my documents from now on.

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